80% of the business owners we speak to feel like every time they reinvest in their website they are throwing more money down the drain.
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The Complete Website Planning Guide can solve this

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If you own a business and have wondered how some people seem to “get it right” but don’t understand how you’re not alone. The good news is that it’s not a secret! Fixing your website, or creating a great web site the first time around comes from very similar steps to building a business that works. Not having a good enough ‘plan’, more commonly known as a brief or scope, is the leading cause of underperforming websites.

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Don’t just copy someone else’s site.

That is a common mistake that business owners make when they feel overwhelmed or don’t have the time to understand “online”. That’s okay; many developers like it that you feel overwhelmed. It means you need them and will follow what they tell you to do. There’s a way you can avoid that.

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I’m not a technical person

Luckily for you getting results doesn’t require you to be technical. You don’t need to become a designer, learn to write HTML or be a programmer. Successful business websites all have one thing in common. They have a goal and a plan to achieve that goal.

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3 ways to work with your developers

Firstly you’ll want to have a simple document that tells them what the goal of this new website is, including who it is for. Secondly you’ll want to outline the size of the project. Thirdly you’ll be able to explain what result they have to provide. Don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to do that in the book.

If you are a business owner, read it, print out the templates and have these discussions with your designers.

Trust me, even if you do only a few things in this guide, your outcome will be 100% better than if you just choose your site based on the pretty colours.

A great, accessible and practical guide that you can quickly use to get better results from your next website build. Get to it!

Ed Pelgen

Amazon Review

Ed Pelgen
The Complete Website Planning Guide Book Cover

In The Complete Website Planning Guide, we have laid out a simple, easy to use method for creating a website briefing document that business owners can use to make sure their websites give them a return on investment.

It’s not a technical book. It’s a book with clear instructions, practical steps and logical business principles coupled with easy to understand skills in explaining what your developers will need.

Learn How To

paper, pencil, content in page
Brief Developers

Using a simple document framework that presents everything, your team will need to do.

ideas in brain
Explain What You Need

Provide plain language explanations and examples of what your business needs.

Question mark in circle
Receive Accurate Quotes

There are no excuses for incorrect quotes because you will have provided everything.

dollar on hand
Avoid Cost Overruns

Avoid Cost Overruns With nothing left for interpretation, there’s no reason for your developers to try and add extra charges.

download icon on monitor
Delivered On Time

You can demand an accurate delivery timeframe based on your complete plan.

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Stay In Control

You will be able to manage what you are delivered and that it meets all your requirements without needing to get ‘technical’.