How to make your web projects more profitable

Every hour of scope creep costs you more than just the lost time. You lose profit, opportunities to work on other projects, trust with your clients and frustrations amongst your team.

Running a web agency is complex. You have to balance multiple projects, resources and timelines as well as making sure they all make you profits. One project getting bogged down in disagreements about scope creep can snowball into affecting all projects.

There’s a method you can introduce into your work that removes these problems, and if you do it correctly will not only remove those pain points but allow you to make more money.

Stop scope creep

Scope creep happens when you don’t have an explicit agreement about what you will build. They end up creating delays, disagreements with your client, frustration in your team and lead to other projects being affected. If you have to do extras, make sure you get paid for it.

Get the quote right and you’ll stop losing money

When you have precise project scopes, you will quote accurately for the work requested. You get paid for only what you do, and you’re able to deliver the job on time and to spec. Every project is delivered profitably.

Why managing expectations is the answer to happy clients

Arguments with clients happen when you don’t meet their expectations, rightly or wrongly. When you learn how to implement an effective scoping method, you solve the expectation problem, removing the most significant cause of unhappy clients and project disagreements.

Invaluable advice, gleaned through years of experience.

Would recommend this book for everyone – for those who are just starting out on their first website journey through to the experiences who need to fine tune, gain improvements and efficiency when putting their work into practice.

This book will help you to achieve your goals.

Alan G.

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In The Complete Website Planning Guide, we’ve laid out a simple method to create a website scope of works that you can use to keep your clients happy. You can hold them accountable to how they brief you, what each piece of work contains and is worth.

You can make them do that work, or you can charge them to do it for them with the result being they get what they want and you get paid for everything you do.


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Learn How To:

paper, pencil, content in page
Prepare Briefs Properly

Using a simple document framework that outlines everything that needs to be done

ideas in brain
Confirm with clients

Allow clients to confirm a plain-language list of the work they want to be done

dollar on hand
Provide Accurate Quotes

You will be able to quote accurately with no hidden extras to be added by the client

dollar on hand
Stop Scope Creep

With nothing left for interpretation, your clients can’t later add items they didn’t agree to upfront.

download icon on monitor
Deliver On Time

You can provide an accurate delivery time frame based on the plan.

Thumbs up
Stay In Control Of The Project

You will be able to manage what it was expected you would do and what the client expects to receive.

The Complete Website Planning Guide and companion Workbook offer your agency the framework to fix one of the biggest challenges we face building websites and apps, scope creep and unprofitable extra work.

You can take control of your work back without losing customers, and ultimately create happier clients and a happier team.

Download the first three chapters by providing your email above, or if you’re ready, press the BUY NOW buttons below.

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